SabIran Products
Sub Iran provides a variety of industrial brushes
Mandrel Brush
These types of brushes including crimped wires are useful in portable and fixed machines and because of their narrow diameter they can be used in different places which are out of access Diameter Trim Length Arbor Hole Information Packaging Round Per Minute Carbon Steel Wire 0.30 – 0.40 mm Stainless...
Mandrel Wheel Brush
This brush includes crimped wire that can be used for removing burrs, cinder, scale, paint, rust, excess rubber, carbon and other hard-to-reach areas and internal surfaces. It can be used both on portable and fixed machines. Diameter Width Trim Length Arbor Hole Information Packaging Round Per Minute Carbon Steel...
Two Level Knotted Cup Bru...
Because of twisted steel wire, which used in these brushes, they are useful to descaling, deburring, removing rust and adhesive residues, for preparing and cleaning welding seams as well as removing excess rubber from vibration mounts. They can be used both on portable and fixed machines. Moreover, in the two...
Knotted Cup Brush
Whereas these type of brushes include twisted steel wire, they are useful to descaling, deburring, removing rust and adhesive residues, for preparing and cleaning welding seams as well as removing excess rubber from vibration mounts. They can be used both on portable and fixed machines. Moreover, in the two level...
Knotted Wheel Brush
These types of brush have twisted wires and they are considered as rough brushes, which are useful to remove descaling, deburring, removing rust and adhesive residues, for preparing and cleaning welding seams as well as removing excess rubber from vibration mounts. Moreover, it is possible to use some of these...
Wheel Brush
These types of brush have wiped wires and they are useful to remove light burrs and dirt from polluted parts. Moreover, they can be mounted on machines. Diameter Width Trim Length Arbor Hole Information Packaging Round Per Minute Carbon Steel Wire 0.60-0.70 mm Stainless Steel Wire 316/0.60-0.70 mm قطر...
Crimped Cup Brush
Since these brushes have wiped wire, they are useful for removing rust, paint, light burrs and dirt from heavily polluted parts. It should be mentioned these models can be used on flat surfaces and notably because of their conic shape; they can be used in edges and both on portable...
Special Knot Wire Wheel B...
Custom knotted wheel brushes are used in oil and gas pipeline companies. This new product of Sab Iran Co. due to the counterclockwise twisted wire is far more invasive. Hence, it enhances the efficiency, and reduces the brushing time. (Different sizes are designed and manufactured on demand of the consumers.)...
Mandrel Cup Brush
These types of brush have wiped wires and they are useful to remove light burrs and dirt from polluted parts, which are far reaching. Diameter Trim Length Arbor Hole Information Packaging Round Per Minute Carbon Steel Wire 0.30 mm Stainless Steel Wire 316/0.30 mm قطر برس طول یال...